Does Ruby have multiple inheritance?

Multiple inheritance in Ruby

Today’s post is an excerpt from a tutorial I am creating about Rails API development that I hope to have available soon. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Many times you might have heard about programming languages supporting multiple inheritance… but is Ruby one of them? Before I answer that question let […]

How to index big tables in Rails without downtime

New applications are great, it is easier to add new functionalities and life is all roses. But you do not want to be at that stage forever because that would mean that not many people are using your application. Hopefully, there will be a time in which your users start liking your application, it becomes […]

How to use ActiveRecord Explain in Ruby on Rails

In today’s post we will see a tool that can help you to bring your ActiveRecord queries to the next level in terms of performance. Quite surprisingly to me, after interviewing many Ruby on Rails developers I realized that many people do not know it even exists. Today we will talk about ActiveRecord’s explain command. […]

3 things you must know about Ruby’s bang methods (!)

In this week’s post I am going to talk you about a topic that was asked in my YouTube channel, which is how to use bang methods in Ruby, those we write with a trailing exclamation mark (!). Stay with me if you want to become an expert on this field. Let’s go! 1. It […]

Las 3 cosas que deberías saber sobre los métodos bang (!) en Ruby

En el post de esta semana te voy a hablar de un tema que se preguntó en mi canal de YouTube, que es sobre cómo utilizar los métodos bang en Ruby, esos a los que les ponemos una exclamación al final (!). Quédate conmigo para convertirte en un experto en esto de los métodos bang. […]

Mi opinión: ¿Qué pinta deberían de tener los Service objects en Rails?

¡Muy buenas a todos! Cuánto tiempo, ¿no?. Quizás te preguntes, ¿qué te ha pasado Alberto? La verdad es que llevo años (y lo digo en serio) queriendo acompañar mis posts con videos en YouTube y me prometí que el siguiente post llevaría un vídeo sí o sí… ¡lo que no anticipaba es que me costaría […]