Scala Slick 3 Relationship to self

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This post comes from a question I wrote and answered myself in Stack Overflow about the same topic. I will reorder it here and try to explain the solution I came across. Initial situation First of all I will explain what I had so you can understand the problem. I had the following Categories table:


Filter Option with Slick 3.0.1

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After 15 minutes trying to figure out why Slick wan’t giving me the possibility to filter an Option column, I will write a little post about it. Base camp My problem started because of the schema definition that I had. Notice that in order to tell Slick that it should map bar as Option, I was doing it […]

Can’t connect to database with play framework and Heroku?

Deploying a Play framework application to Heroku is really easy, normally you just set Heroku as a git remote branch and push the your code there. Simple. If your app has a database, you will have to configure it for the different environments, so that you don’t get that awful “Cannot connect to database” message. On Saturday I […]