Lets continue our introduction to the Scrum world with this short post about common standards and the definition of “Done” in Scrum, but first I will remind you the topics of this series

  1. Overview
  2. Common standards, the definition of “Done”
  3. The Scrum Team
  4. Scrum Events
  5. Scrum Artifacts

In our last entry we introduced the pilar of transparency. It is imperative to have common standards in our project. My experience in the last months has taught me, that having common definitions and common development guidelines is essential to ensure the success of the project. This is even more important, as it happened in my last project, if the developers are located in different places and countries. Making the use of a common language is here a crucial point.

The definition of “Done”

In a Scrum Team everyone must understand what it means. Although it may vary per Scrum Team, if several Scrum Teams are working on the same product, they must need to use the same definition of “Done”.
The purpose of each Sprint in Scrum is to deliver increments of potentially releasable functionality that meets the Scrum Team’s definition of “Done”, so the Product Owner can decide immediately to release it or not.

In the next chapter we will continue with the Scrum Team. But that will be on friday, see you!

Source: Scrum Guide and my summaries about it.