SOLID, Object Oriented design

Yesterday I was talking with my colleague Alex at Vector Informatik GmbH and I told him that I wanted to write a post series about the SOLID principles of Uncle Bob, (Robert C. Martin), so I am going to keep my work and start it here with this post. I personally find very important to […]

JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration Video

Hi there! I am happy because today I can let you know that the video course “JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration Video” that I reviewed from Packt Publishing has been already released 🙂 The video course is a very good and complete approach about how to configure, deploy and administrate the JBoss AS. It tells […]

Software Architecture: Service or Utility class

Last week I had a design talk with the software architect of my current project because of a code review we were performing for the offshore team. In order to encapsulate common methods to be used by a class, he wanted to use an Utility Class and I suggested to use a Service instead. I […]

Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development is a software development approach developed by Kent Beck. I personally find this technique very useful to deliver a good quality in your software, which must be always the goal for a good engineer, or also if you have signed a concrete test coverage with the client in the project contract. It […]

JBoss AS 7 Video Review from Pack Publishing and Java Masterclass

Hello everyone! Last week I received just the breeze of fresh air that one needs. Pack Publishing is preparing a video course about JBoss Application Server 7 and they have contacted me to review it. First of all I want to thank Pack Publishing for contacting me and for offering me this opportunity. It comes […]

Adobe CQ5 Create your own predicates for pathfields

“What can I do to restrict the selection of my pathfield widget? I don’t want to do it simply based on the rootPath, I know you did this before, can you teach it to me?” This is a question that my team mates frequently ask me, so I decided to create a post because maybe […]

Is it time for functional programming?

Speaking yesterday with my friend Miguel (@miguelcamba), he told me, “hey, take a look at Erlang, it will be very important in the future!” (more or less, because translating our everyday Spanish expressions to English can be almost impossible) I started to think about Erlang and functional programming, because Miguel is some of those early […]

The Lean Startup: Create successful new businesses using Agile techniques

Last month I read the book The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries. In this book, the author tell us how to apply Agile techniques, such as the ones that we are used to in software development, to the creation of new Startups or to innovate on established companies. The author extracts the ideas from the […]

First impressions about Ruby

Since a few months I started to have interest on the Ruby programming language. As I am an agile enthusiast, I also wanted to give a try to a language that focus itself on coding and not on superfluous keywords or programming conventions, to a web framework (RoR, more of this on later posts) that […]

Activate annotations for your custom components on Adobe CQ5

Annotations is a feature that Adobe CQ5 provides in Editor Mode, it allows the author to write a note on a component so the other authors or himself/herself can see it later, draw something and more fancy stuff. You can take a look to its documentation here. What happened to me last week was that […]